Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).
HERITAGE KITSCamai! It has been a rewarding endeavor to work with the Chugach Regional Elders to create lessons and compile resources based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) for the heritage component of the Llangarlluni: Becoming Aware. During the last year of the grant, the focus has been to develop a website as a “one-stop” location for teachers. The website will have cultural lessons, resources and prompts to emphasize the rich culture and TEK of the region. Eventually, depending upon funding, the hope is to include past heritage kits previously developed, 3D scans of artifacts, language lesson components and hover over buttons with correct pronunciation of the language.
The Heritage Kits are based on the Chugach Regional Elders’ TEK where cultural lessons are aligned with the Chugachmiut Curriculum Framework and Alaska State Cultural, Science and Geography Standards at the time of development.
MORE INFOWe maintain an extensive virtual collection that documents the traditional culture and language of the Chugach Region people.
MORE INFO• Celebrations
• Climate Change
• Clothing
• Food From the Sea
• Honoring Eyak
• Our Water
• Traditional Food & Recipes
• Traditional Housing & Shelters
• Traditional Place Names
• Traditional Transportation
• Traditional Weather Forecasting
• Additional Heritage Kits
1840 Bragaw Street, Suite 110
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-3463
ANA Grant Number S356A150066
© Copyright By Chugachmiut. All Rights Reserved. Project Managed & Organized By Kari Brookover.
Site By: SPOON FROG graphics